Submission Guidelines
All authors should submit abstracts until February 15, 2025. Submissions of papers (non-obligatory) will be accepted until 10 March, 2025. All submissions must be entirely original, not previously published, and must not be under concurrent consideration or scheduled for presentation elsewhere. All abstracts/papers must be submitted online:
All submissions must be typed, single spaced with 2.5 cm or one-inch margins using 12 point Trebuchet MS font in a single MS Word file.
Abstract submissions should include a Title, Authors (names, affiliations, e-mails of all authors and a notation (*) of the corresponding author), an Abstract (no more than 150 words) and 3-5 Keywords and 1-3 Topic Groups. Paper submissions should not exceed 12 pages, including the Abstract, text body (Introduction, Theory, Methods, Findings, Discussion, Conclusions and Implications), Tables, Figures and References.
All paper submissions must include a discussion, which addresses the contribution of the author’s work to the advancement of business and business-related science and practice in the Conclusions and Implications section.
All submissions will be reviewed. Selections can be also based on preliminary submissions of abstracts; paper submissions are preferred. Selection for inclusion in the conference program will be based upon quality, originality, and relevance, in the judgment of the review process. Accepted submissions (abstracts and papers) will be published in the ABSRC 2025 Proceedings. Specific formatting requirements are provided in the paper layout section.
Authors submitting abstract agree that if the abstract is accepted, then at least one author will attend the conference. In the extraordinary case of non-attendance, the corresponding author registered to the conference will receive the proceedings by mail.
Abstract Layout Example Paper Layout Example
All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. English is the official language of the conference. We welcome paper submissions.