The influence of exceptional service and product quality on online purchase
Bambang Dwi Suseno, Dedeh Rochmaedah, Solida Firjatullah, Ahmad Munawir, Irwan Idrus
Green bonds, borrowing and other important (revolutionary) novelties of the European Union budget for the period from 2021 till 2027
Draško Veselinovič
The quantifiable impact of 2007–2022 on students’ intentions to become entrepreneurs and the implications for research and start-up activities
Nguyen Ngoc Long, Bui Thi Thuy Linh, Le Thi Kim Hoa
Strategic foresight for sustainability
Ajda Fošner, Katja Trop
Dynamics and financing of the strategic investments: an example of Slovenian companies
Vladimir Bukvič
Gaining insight into consumers’ choice of preferred words
Lea Cok, Jani Ivan Toroš, Jan Nalesnik