Assessing the role of perceived value on purchase intention on livestream platforms
Minh Anh Tran
Gia Dinh University, Vietnam
E-commerce livestreaming is one of the fastest-growing types of commerce today. Along with the development of the IT industry, wireless networks covering the whole country with low capacity costs have led to the strong growth of livestreaming activities. This article evaluates the factors affecting consumers’ purchase intention through e-commerce livestreaming and examines the mediating role of perceived value in those relationships. The data were collected from April to June 2021 with 217 valid questionnaires. The results show that the components of perceived value (functional and emotional) positively mediate the relationship between interactivity, content, entertainment, opinion leader and promotion and purchase intention. As a result, entertainment has the most substantial impact on perceived emotional value, and content has the most decisive effect on perceived functional value. In contrast, promotions had the lowest impact on perceived functional and emotional value. This surprising outcome shows the difference between E-commerce livestreaming and other forms.
Keywords: livestream; perceived value; purchase intention; interactivity; entertainment