Impact of digital transformation on knowledge management in organization
Krešimir Buntak
University North,Croatia
Matija Kovačić
University North,Croatia
Ivana Martinčević
University North,Croatia
Changes in the organizational environment as an outcome require organizational changes. With the development of Industry 4.0, there is a need for digital transformation which is focused on digitizing business as well as in the automation of activities. To adapt the organization to the new conditions in an environment, it is necessary to develop organizational knowledge. Once created, knowledge should be managed and must be disseminated to all organizational levels. With the automatization of the organization system, there is a need for applying artificial intelligence that will manage implemented automated systems but will also manage created the base of knowledge. Furthermore, for the knowledge management organization may employ different models, but with the change in the organizational environments, there is a need for developing new models that will enable knowledge mining, management and dissemination of knowledge in the digital age. It is also necessary to mention security, which is crucial, as the digital age brings with it the challenge of being able to give others access to information in a violent way, which can violate the privacy and business secret of the organization.
Keywords: industry 4.0; digital era; knowledge menagement; organizational environment